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deformation energy中文是什么意思

用"deformation energy"造句"deformation energy"怎么读"deformation energy" in a sentence


  • 变形能量
  • 形变能
  • 应变能


  • Bitumen and bituminous binders - determination of deformation energy
  • Deformation energy density
  • Specific deformation energy
  • Bitumen and bituminous binders - determination of deformation energy ; german version en 13703 : 2003
  • Methods of test for petroleum and its products - bs 2000 - 515 : bitumen and bituminous binders - determination of deformation energy
    石油及其制品的试验方法. bs 2000 - 515 :沥青和沥青粘合剂.变形能的测定
  • Under the fractal application , the transitional state rendering method based on t - fbm constraint model is proposed . in this model , the transitional deformation energy is defined as the bi - association between the initial state and the transitional fractal detail , and the fbm constraint is realized by the threshold statistical estimation . furthermore , the regional buffering control and regional harmonic control can offer more abundant and flexible control ways for the rendering of fractal transitional state
  • Secondly , the producing mechanism of crack in reinforced structure and factors which affect crack have been discussed , in the emphasis , the method is expounded , which applies first releasing then resisting , combination of releasing and resisting . in the method , flexible slit is applied firstly , which can make deformation of structure distributed , and decrease deformation energy , then the tiny expansion concrete and prestressed concrete with unbonded tendons are applied . and in the different phase , the compressive prestress is put on the concrete structure
用"deformation energy"造句  
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